When I see a reality show on TV that there are so many parents having stress to controls their childrens.This make me sad and sometime this feel are torturing me to having a childs.So I make this post from searching in many resources and asking to the theirself why they acting like that.
How they can become like that??
What they want to get by acting like that??
Why they have acting like that??
Many parents ask to psychology about it, to solve this problems.Spend lot of money, time and feeling in order to get back the one that they loved.Well, did you really-really love your child??
I do believe that you love your child, but the way that you show to them was wrong.
So here the explanations that I get from the resources and from them.
How they can become like that??
When I asking to them about that, they said that they can become like it because they feel that their parents ignored them. If I’m asking this to you as their parents, I believe you will said “No way if I ignored them, cause I do love them“.
What they want to get by acting like that??
I believe you ever feel what they have feel, cause you also ever young before.You get angry when your parents didn’t want to listen to you. All they can do is only force you and give limitation on you.
Don’t do this
Don’t do that
You have to be like this
You have to be like that
Did you ever say that to your child??
What you have feel when someone told that to you??
Better not to force something to your child, let them who choose it.Your jobs is giving support to them and watch them so that they won’t out of the track.
Why they have acting like that??
Like I have said before, basically they want their parents always support them.Never force something to them, always be there when they need them.Parents are not about money or anything that you can give to your child.But more to cares, more time with them, always in their side when they needed.Support with all what they want or what they like to do.
Hope it can help you to win their heart again.
From Actors to Actress, from football to soccer and from cinemas to movies.
Kamis, 22 Maret 2012
How to Get Credit Card Even You are in Bad Debt??
Credit card have become primary needed for some peoples, specially for the peoples who like to shop everything without need to worry about cash at the pocket.Even at the end they will regrate it when they have a bad debt and the credit card will be suspended by the providers.
For those who have been living with a credit card and suddenly they can’t use it anymore, that was a nightmare for them.When they try to apply to a new credit card from different bank, they will be denied.Cause most of bank have their own ways to keep the people with bad debts from them.They have relathionship with all bank to prevent them from the people like you.
So how to get credit card if I have a bad debts??
The way that you can use was go online to find online bank that provide credit card for worldwide members.If You get lucky, you will found an online bank that will give you credit card for free.And the best of all, the payment processor that you can use to pay the bill was trough Paypal or other online payment processor.
Just a few weeks ago I received Payoneer card, it turns out pretty quickly too ga until the delivery month. I switch directly through the website payoneer.com and finally I was able to receive payments from the site that I have joined.
How to get that card?
Firstly, you have to join with a great site named SFI SFI was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-commerce revolution. Anyone of legal age in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online registration form. There is no obligation or purchase requirements of any kind.
Once registered, affiliates are provided with professional Websites for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. SFI also provides all necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at no cost to the affiliate. For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can be earned by building and leading affiliate groups.
They use credit card from Payooner as one of their payment processor, and its connect with MASTERCARD.
So, what you have waiting for?
For those who have been living with a credit card and suddenly they can’t use it anymore, that was a nightmare for them.When they try to apply to a new credit card from different bank, they will be denied.Cause most of bank have their own ways to keep the people with bad debts from them.They have relathionship with all bank to prevent them from the people like you.
So how to get credit card if I have a bad debts??
The way that you can use was go online to find online bank that provide credit card for worldwide members.If You get lucky, you will found an online bank that will give you credit card for free.And the best of all, the payment processor that you can use to pay the bill was trough Paypal or other online payment processor.
Just a few weeks ago I received Payoneer card, it turns out pretty quickly too ga until the delivery month. I switch directly through the website payoneer.com and finally I was able to receive payments from the site that I have joined.
How to get that card?
Firstly, you have to join with a great site named SFI SFI was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-commerce revolution. Anyone of legal age in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online registration form. There is no obligation or purchase requirements of any kind.
Once registered, affiliates are provided with professional Websites for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. SFI also provides all necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at no cost to the affiliate. For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can be earned by building and leading affiliate groups.
They use credit card from Payooner as one of their payment processor, and its connect with MASTERCARD.
So, what you have waiting for?
How to Make Tens to Hundreds of Dollar a Day From Mobile??
Mobile was the prymary connection tool on the planet so far, more then two billion mobile users around the world.But not all of them know how to make money from it.
Yes, we can make money from our mobile whether directly or undirected, if and only if we know how to do it.Not much people know how to do it, cause they don't know that mobile can be used to make money.
I'm not telling about selling moola or pulse that already done by so much people in entire planet.It's not about that, but to sell a games or applications for mobile users.If you know that there are so much mobile games and applications vendor looking for peoples who want to promote their products.
They will give commission to the people who can sell their products up to 50% of the price.Gameloft, EA, iTunes and much-much more vendor in out there begging to us to promote their products.And for adult contents, there are more then you can imagine.
The problems is, not all people who want to be their affiliates can be welcome cause they have some TOS (Term Of Services) that have to be full fill by the peoples who want to be their affiliates.But, doesn't mean we can't promote them, cause there are so much site that have become their affiliates and need our help to promote it.
This site that we can use in order to promote those site (Gameloft, iTunes, EA, etc), we can use mobpartner.They provide all what we need to promote the products like games, apps, dating, etc.
All You need is register and add your site, page and get the code and place it on your site or page.When someone register or purchase a game, application from it.You will get paid by them according to the commissions deal that they have make with you.
If you know how to do it, it's not hard enough to make money from your mobile.
Yes, we can make money from our mobile whether directly or undirected, if and only if we know how to do it.Not much people know how to do it, cause they don't know that mobile can be used to make money.
I'm not telling about selling moola or pulse that already done by so much people in entire planet.It's not about that, but to sell a games or applications for mobile users.If you know that there are so much mobile games and applications vendor looking for peoples who want to promote their products.
They will give commission to the people who can sell their products up to 50% of the price.Gameloft, EA, iTunes and much-much more vendor in out there begging to us to promote their products.And for adult contents, there are more then you can imagine.
The problems is, not all people who want to be their affiliates can be welcome cause they have some TOS (Term Of Services) that have to be full fill by the peoples who want to be their affiliates.But, doesn't mean we can't promote them, cause there are so much site that have become their affiliates and need our help to promote it.
This site that we can use in order to promote those site (Gameloft, iTunes, EA, etc), we can use mobpartner.They provide all what we need to promote the products like games, apps, dating, etc.
All You need is register and add your site, page and get the code and place it on your site or page.When someone register or purchase a game, application from it.You will get paid by them according to the commissions deal that they have make with you.
If you know how to do it, it's not hard enough to make money from your mobile.
Selasa, 20 Maret 2012
Tips cara cepat belajar bahasa inggris?
Mau tahu cara cepat belajar bahasa inggris secara gratis bahkan dibayar untuk semua aktifitas yang kita lakukan?
Jawabnya adalah lewat sebuah forum online bernama Mylot.Sebuah forum online berbahasa Inggris, dan hanya bahasa Inggris yang boleh digunakan disini.
Cara paling efektif untuk bisa menghapal adalah dengan terus menggunakan atau melakukannya.Seperti pepatah yang mengatakan "tak kenal maka tak sayang" atau dalam bahasa Jawa "witing tresno jalaran soko kulino".Bila diartikan, datangnya cinta/ senang karena terbiasa.
Di forum ini kita bisa bertanya apa aja, atau mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari anggota lain.Jika vocabulary (daftar kata Inggris yang dihapal) kamu masih sedikit, buka aja di tab lain kamus online miliknya Google yang beralamat di http://translate.google.com
Dengan cara ini maka kamu lama-lama akan terbiasa dengan kata-kata Inggris dan akan mendapatkan kata-kata baru setiap hari.Jika kamu aktif disana, baik posting atau kasih komen maka tak ayal lagi jika tes T.O.E.F.L kamu akan terus meningkat.
Bukan hanya itu saja, kamu sekaligus akan tahu dan mungkin akan tergiur.Karena semua aktifitas kamu, baik posting, komen, upload photo, searching akan dibayar oleh mereka.Tidak banyak memang, cuma $0.01 per aktifitas.Tapi lumayanlah buat awal, tapi yang penting kan ilmunya tho?
Jika kamu tertarik, langsung aja meluncur ke TKP lalu daftar secara gratis DISINI.Jika kamu aktif, maka dengan sendirinya vocabulary kamu akan meningkat secara drastis.
Jawabnya adalah lewat sebuah forum online bernama Mylot.Sebuah forum online berbahasa Inggris, dan hanya bahasa Inggris yang boleh digunakan disini.
Cara paling efektif untuk bisa menghapal adalah dengan terus menggunakan atau melakukannya.Seperti pepatah yang mengatakan "tak kenal maka tak sayang" atau dalam bahasa Jawa "witing tresno jalaran soko kulino".Bila diartikan, datangnya cinta/ senang karena terbiasa.
Di forum ini kita bisa bertanya apa aja, atau mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari anggota lain.Jika vocabulary (daftar kata Inggris yang dihapal) kamu masih sedikit, buka aja di tab lain kamus online miliknya Google yang beralamat di http://translate.google.com
Dengan cara ini maka kamu lama-lama akan terbiasa dengan kata-kata Inggris dan akan mendapatkan kata-kata baru setiap hari.Jika kamu aktif disana, baik posting atau kasih komen maka tak ayal lagi jika tes T.O.E.F.L kamu akan terus meningkat.
Bukan hanya itu saja, kamu sekaligus akan tahu dan mungkin akan tergiur.Karena semua aktifitas kamu, baik posting, komen, upload photo, searching akan dibayar oleh mereka.Tidak banyak memang, cuma $0.01 per aktifitas.Tapi lumayanlah buat awal, tapi yang penting kan ilmunya tho?
Jika kamu tertarik, langsung aja meluncur ke TKP lalu daftar secara gratis DISINI.Jika kamu aktif, maka dengan sendirinya vocabulary kamu akan meningkat secara drastis.
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Dibayar untuk posting, komen, upload, searching, dll.
Mau dibayar dollar untuk tiap posting, komen, upload dan searching?
Ditempat ini kamu akan dibayar $0.01 untuk setiap aktifitas yang kamu lakukan baik itu posting, komen dan upload.Khusus untuk searching dan task (tugas atau pekerjaan) kamu bisa mendapatkan lebih.
Forum komplit yang berbahasa Inggris ini bukan hanya untuk mencari dollar saja, tapi segala info yang kita inginkan.Karena begitu banyak para ahli yang menjadi member dan akan sangat senang untuk memberikan jawaban yang pastinya akan sangat memuaskan.
Dengan minimum pembayaran yang berjumlah $10, mungkin akan membuat seseorang menjadi pesimis untuk tetap aktif, tapi dengan adanya searching, task dan sistem referral membuat pendapatan semakin cepat.
Setiap referral akan memberikan pendapatan kepada kita sebesar 25% selamanya.Jadi tunggu apalagi, segera daftar disini dan segera aktif posting, komen, upload, searching, task dan cari referral.
Ditempat ini kamu akan dibayar $0.01 untuk setiap aktifitas yang kamu lakukan baik itu posting, komen dan upload.Khusus untuk searching dan task (tugas atau pekerjaan) kamu bisa mendapatkan lebih.
Forum komplit yang berbahasa Inggris ini bukan hanya untuk mencari dollar saja, tapi segala info yang kita inginkan.Karena begitu banyak para ahli yang menjadi member dan akan sangat senang untuk memberikan jawaban yang pastinya akan sangat memuaskan.
Dengan minimum pembayaran yang berjumlah $10, mungkin akan membuat seseorang menjadi pesimis untuk tetap aktif, tapi dengan adanya searching, task dan sistem referral membuat pendapatan semakin cepat.
Setiap referral akan memberikan pendapatan kepada kita sebesar 25% selamanya.Jadi tunggu apalagi, segera daftar disini dan segera aktif posting, komen, upload, searching, task dan cari referral.
Cara dapat pulsa gratis tiap bulan
Mau dapat pulsa gratis tiap bulan untuk semua operator?
Caranya gampang banget, hanya dengan mendownload aplikasi dari SmartPhoneMate dan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan per bulan maka kamu akan mendapat pulsa gratis tiap bulan Rp. 10.000-Rp. 20.000 untuk semua operator.
Untuk sementara ini hanya bisa dilakukan oleh HP berbasis Android 1.5.
Begitu kamu klik link dibawah, maka kamu akan disuruh mendownload aplikasinya dan menginstalnya
Caranya gampang banget, hanya dengan mendownload aplikasi dari SmartPhoneMate dan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan per bulan maka kamu akan mendapat pulsa gratis tiap bulan Rp. 10.000-Rp. 20.000 untuk semua operator.
Untuk sementara ini hanya bisa dilakukan oleh HP berbasis Android 1.5.
Begitu kamu klik link dibawah, maka kamu akan disuruh mendownload aplikasinya dan menginstalnya

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