Credit card have become primary needed for some peoples, specially for the peoples who like to shop everything without need to worry about cash at the pocket.Even at the end they will regrate it when they have a bad debt and the credit card will be suspended by the providers.
For those who have been living with a credit card and suddenly they can’t use it anymore, that was a nightmare for them.When they try to apply to a new credit card from different bank, they will be denied.Cause most of bank have their own ways to keep the people with bad debts from them.They have relathionship with all bank to prevent them from the people like you.
So how to get credit card if I have a bad debts??
The way that you can use was go online to find online bank that provide credit card for worldwide members.If You get lucky, you will found an online bank that will give you credit card for free.And the best of all, the payment processor that you can use to pay the bill was trough Paypal or other online payment processor.
Just a few weeks ago I received Payoneer card, it turns out pretty quickly too ga until the delivery month. I switch directly through the website and finally I was able to receive payments from the site that I have joined.
How to get that card?
Firstly, you have to join with a great site named SFI SFI was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-commerce revolution. Anyone of legal age in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online registration form. There is no obligation or purchase requirements of any kind.
Once registered, affiliates are provided with professional Websites for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. SFI also provides all necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at no cost to the affiliate. For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can be earned by building and leading affiliate groups.
They use credit card from Payooner as one of their payment processor, and its connect with MASTERCARD.
So, what you have waiting for?
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