IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) sebuah organisasi dibawah naungan PBB yang menangani masalah nuklir menyatakan bahwa salah satu server mereka telah dihack oleh sebuah grup anti Israel.
Mereka menyatakan bahwa beberapa waktu lalu grup yang mengaku bernama "Parastoo" telah memposting secara detail data pribadi lebih dari 100 ahli nuklir disitus mereka.
Parastoo meminta mereka yang ada di dalam daftar itu untuk membuat dan menandatangani sebuah petisi yang isinya mendesak IAEA untuk melakukan penyelidikan terhadap program nuklir Israel. Sepertinya mereka keadilan atas apa yang terjadi pada Iran.
Seperti diketahui bahwa IAEA menyelidiki program nuklir Iran yang kontroversi. Di lain pihak, dunia juga tahu bahwa Israel ditengarai mempunyai program yang sama.
Juru bicara IAEA, Gill Tudor menjelaskan bahwa IAEA memohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya kepada para ahli nuklir tersebut. Dia juga menjelaskan bahwa informasi yang dipublikasikan tersebut dicuri dari server lama. Lebih lanjut dia menambahkan bahwa server tersebut sudah dimatikan beberapa saat setelah kejadian dan para ahli sedang berusaha menanganinya dan mencegah kemungkinan adanya vurnerability (Sebuah cacat atau kelemahan dalam desain sistem, implementasi, atau operasi dan manajemen pada sistem, jaringan, aplikasi, atau protokol komputer yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk melanggar kebijakan keamanan sistem) bahkan sebelum kejadian tersebut.
Tim teknisi dan keamanan IAEA masih menganalisa situasi dan melakukan segala cara untuk memastikan bahwa tidak ada lagi informasi yang bocor karena adanya vurnerability.
Seorang diplomat barat, seperti yang dikutip dari Reuters menyatakan bahwa data curian tersebut dipercaya tidak mengandung informasi berkenaan dengan hasil kerja IAEA.
Seperti yang sudah diketahui bahwa Israel, Amerika beserta para sekutunya menuduh bahwa Iran secara rahasia telah mencoba untuk mengembangkan senjata nuklir. (Mirip dengan tuduhan yang mereka tuduhkan kepada Irak, tak berdasar. Bedanya Irak dituduh mengembangkan senjata kimia pemusnah massal. Tapi mana buktinya?). Sedangkan pihak otoritas di Teheran secara tegas menyangkalnya.
Awal bulan lalu, IAEA menerbitkan laporan bahwa Iran telah siap untuk menggandakan produksi uranium mereka di fasilitas pengayakan uranium mereka di Fardo. Didalam laporan tersebut dikatakan bahwa tidak mungkin jika semua material nuklir di Iran untuk kepentingan damai.
From Actors to Actress, from football to soccer and from cinemas to movies.
Selasa, 11 Desember 2012
Minggu, 09 Desember 2012
PTC Terbaru, Terbaik dan Membayar Membernya.
Ada sebuah PTC yang masih baru namun sudah terbukti membayar dan sudah ditempatkan kejajaran PTC terbaik oleh para klikers baik di Indonesia sendiri ataupun dari negara lain. Dengan ranking di Alexa yang hanya 3742, itu berarti pengunjung per harinya adalah sekitar 250.000 cukup mengesankan bukan untuk sebuah situs yang masih baru, sebuah PTC lagi.
Tidak perlu berinvestasi, jadi jangan sia-siakan kesempatan ini. Berikut sedikit penjelasan tentang PTC tersebut.
Jumlah keseluruhan iklan tidak bisa dipastikan, tapi khusus untuk fixed ads Probux adalah 4 ads per hari. Dengan nilai per klik iklan adalah $$0.01
Berikut penjelasan lainnya:
Iklan untuk Standard/Pioneer Members :
Per Klik :
Extended Exposure $$0.015
Standard Exposure $$0.010
Mini Exposure $$0.005
Micro Exposure $$0.001
Fixed Advertisement $$0.010
Per Klik Direct Referral :
Extended Exposure $$0.0050
Standard Exposure $$0.0050
Fixed Advertisement $$0.0005
Per Klik Referral Sewa :
Extended Exposure $$0.0100
Standard Exposure $$0.0050
Fixed Advertisement $$0.0050
Jumlah Fixed Ads Per Hari : 4
Jumlah Iklan ProGrid : 20 iklan per hari dengan hadiah sampai $$2.00 bagi yang beruntung.
Hebat bukan!?
Harga Referral Sewa: $$0.20
Penggantian RR tidak aktif secara gratis : 14 Hari
Harga pergantian RR : $$0.07
Waktu Sewa RR : 7 Hari
Waktu Tunggu Cashout Berikutnya : 7 Hari
Tipe Pembayaran: Instant melalui PayPal dan PayZa
Maksimum Paket Referral Yang Tersedia : 100
Batas Maksimum Sewa Referral Untuk Free Member : 200
Jumlah Maksimum Direct Referrals Untuk Free Member : 100
Minimum Cashout : $$5
Sama persis dengan Neobux waktu pertama kali tho?
Hanya minimum cashout saja yang membedakan. Lumrah jika mereka memasang batas aman bagi kelangsungan mereka.
Mumpung masih baru dan belum banyak musuh (maksudnya pesaing He He He) Segera daftar lewat link saya dan dapatkan RCB sampai 60% dari saya plus bonus $$0.10 dari saya jika anda aktif. Untuk persyaratan RCB dapat anda baca disini.
Daftar di Probux dengan klik banner di bawah dan isi form dibawah untuk bukti anda menjadi referral saya.
Tidak perlu berinvestasi, jadi jangan sia-siakan kesempatan ini. Berikut sedikit penjelasan tentang PTC tersebut.
Jumlah keseluruhan iklan tidak bisa dipastikan, tapi khusus untuk fixed ads Probux adalah 4 ads per hari. Dengan nilai per klik iklan adalah $$0.01
Berikut penjelasan lainnya:
Iklan untuk Standard/Pioneer Members :
Per Klik :
Extended Exposure $$0.015
Standard Exposure $$0.010
Mini Exposure $$0.005
Micro Exposure $$0.001
Fixed Advertisement $$0.010
Per Klik Direct Referral :
Extended Exposure $$0.0050
Standard Exposure $$0.0050
Fixed Advertisement $$0.0005
Per Klik Referral Sewa :
Extended Exposure $$0.0100
Standard Exposure $$0.0050
Fixed Advertisement $$0.0050
Jumlah Fixed Ads Per Hari : 4
Jumlah Iklan ProGrid : 20 iklan per hari dengan hadiah sampai $$2.00 bagi yang beruntung.
Hebat bukan!?
Harga Referral Sewa: $$0.20
Penggantian RR tidak aktif secara gratis : 14 Hari
Harga pergantian RR : $$0.07
Waktu Sewa RR : 7 Hari
Waktu Tunggu Cashout Berikutnya : 7 Hari
Tipe Pembayaran: Instant melalui PayPal dan PayZa
Maksimum Paket Referral Yang Tersedia : 100
Batas Maksimum Sewa Referral Untuk Free Member : 200
Jumlah Maksimum Direct Referrals Untuk Free Member : 100
Minimum Cashout : $$5
Sama persis dengan Neobux waktu pertama kali tho?
Hanya minimum cashout saja yang membedakan. Lumrah jika mereka memasang batas aman bagi kelangsungan mereka.
Mumpung masih baru dan belum banyak musuh (maksudnya pesaing He He He) Segera daftar lewat link saya dan dapatkan RCB sampai 60% dari saya plus bonus $$0.10 dari saya jika anda aktif. Untuk persyaratan RCB dapat anda baca disini.
Daftar di Probux dengan klik banner di bawah dan isi form dibawah untuk bukti anda menjadi referral saya.

Minggu, 25 November 2012
Siapakah Adolf Echmann Itu?
Otto Adolf Eichmann atau dunia mengenalnya sebagai Adolf Eichmann, lahir di Solingen, Jerman pada 19 Maret 1906. Jabatan terakhirnya adalah sebagai Obersturmbannführer atau setara dengan letnan kolonel di Schutzstaffel (SS) dan Nazi berpangkat tinggi. Dia dikenal sebagai salah seorang arsitek yang mendalangi program Holocaust pada waktu terjadinya Perang Dunia 2.
Setelah Jerman menyerah dan mengakui kekalahannya kepada sekutu pada 7 Mei 1945. Dia sempat tertangkap oleh pasukan Amerika di daerah sekitar Ulm. Dia mengaku bernama Adolf Karl Barth dan memakai seragam penerbang Luftwaffe kelas 2.
Demi mengetahui bahwa pasukan Amerika memeriksa semua tahanan perang untuk mencari anggota SS dari tatto penanda mereka. Eichmann lalu melarikan diri dari kamp tahanan.
Pada Agustus 1945 dia tertangkap untuk yang kedua kalinya oleh pasukan Amerika dan ditawan di kamp Oberdachstetten. Dia mengaku bernama Otto Eckmann seorang Letnan di SS dari Kavaleri Divisi 22.
5 Januari 1946, Echmann melarikan diri dari kamp tawanan perang dan menuju ke utara. Menjauh dari zona Amerika dan menuju ke Distrik dengan menggunakan dokumen palsu yang ia dapatkan di kamp tawanan. Dokumen itu menjelaskan bahwa ia adalah penjaga hutan bernama Otto Heninger. Selama 4 tahun dia masih bersembunyi di Jerman.
Pada tahun 1950 atas upaya dari ODESSA (Organisation der SS Angehoerigen-Organisasi Anggota SS) Eichmann bersama tiga orang lainnya, menuju ke Austria lalu ke Italia. Di sebuah biara di Genoa, seorang biksu Fransiscan menyediakan sebuah paspor pengungsi untuk Eichmann dengan menggunakan nama Ricardo Klement.
14 Juli 1950 Eichmann yang sudah berganti nama menjadi Ricardo Klement mendapatkan visa Argentina dan sebulan kemudian dia tiba di Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dan pada April 1952 dia mendapatkan dokumen yang menyatakan bahwa ia adalah Ricardo Klement, keturunan Jerman yang lahir di Bolzano, Italia. Berprofesi sebagai mekanik dan bekerja di sebuah perusahaan bernama Capri construction, measurements and waterworks yang banyak menampung eks Nazi setelah perang. Di akhir tahun, dia akhirnya berkumpul dengan keluarganya di Argentina.
Kemudian di tahun 1960 dia ditangkap oleh Mossad, agen mata-mata Izrael. Dia diculik dan dibawa ke Israel untuk diadili, didakwa dengan tuduhan sebagai penjahat perang dan dinyatakan bersalah di sebuah pengadilan Israel dan digantung pada 31 Mei 1962.
Dia dihukum gantung, jasadnya dikremasi dan abunya disebar ke laut Mediterania.
Ada Kemungkinan Bahwa Jasad Osama Bin Laden Ternyata Dikremasi
Sebenarnya ini adalah artikel lama yang saya translate dari artikel luar. Mungkin ada yang tidak tahu dengan artikel ini, juga sebagai pengetahuan bahwa grup hacker "Anonymous" yang sekarang gencar melakukan serangan cyber ke Israel. Mereka ternyata sudah malang melintang cukup lama, mungkin dari mereka jugalah data-data wikileaks didapat.
Berikut ulasan lebih lanjut tentang bocornya email yang menjelaskan bahwa jasad Osama Bin Laden kemungkinan dikremasi dan abunya disebar ke laut Mediterania.Atau cuma dikremasi dan mengenai abunya tidak diketahui keberadaannya. Hal ini menyanggah pernyataan Gedung Putih, yang menyatakan bahwa jasad Bin Laden dilarung ke Laut menggunakan USS Carl Vinson.
"Jasad Bin Laden tidak dikubur (dilarung) di laut, tapi dikremasi di sebuah lokasi rahasia di US" kata bos inteligen.
Pernyataan ini didapat dari email yang berhasil di hack oleh grup hacker "Anonymous" dan menyanggah pernyataan Gedung Putih tentang persinggahan terakhir Pemimpin Al-Qaeda tersebut.
Nasib jasad Osama Bin Laden kembali dipertanyakan setelah adanya email yang bocor ke publik dari sebuah analisis inteligen yang menyatakan bahwa sesungguhnya jasad Bin Laden dikirim ke AS untuk dikremasi.
Menurut email tersebut, Bos Al Qaeda itu ditembak dan meninggal ketika terjadi serbuan dari Navy SEAL Team Six di persembunyiannya di Abbottabad, Pakistan dan dikirim ke AS dan dikremasi.
Email tersebut berhasil didapatkan oleh grup hacker "Anonymous" dari Stratfor, sebuah organisasi yang menangani analisis inteligen dan geopolitik. Organisasi ini juga dikenal sebagai bayangan dari CIA.
Anonymous mengumumkan bahwa mereka mendapatkan akses ke lebih dari 2.7 juta korespondensi dari organisasi tersebut. Mereka juga menyatakan bahwa mereka bisa menyediakan data yang tidak bisa dibantah tentang beberapa kejahatan.
Sang hacker (grup Anonymous) menyatakan bahwa Stratfor, yang berbasis di Austin, Texas. Sangat lemah dalam hal pengamanan database mereka.
Setelah serangan 2 Mei 2011, pemerintahan Obama menyatakan bahwa jasad Bin Laden dikubur (dilarung) di laut dengan menggunakan USS Carl Vinson. Sebagai bagian dari tradisi umat muslim. (Emang ada tradisi umat muslim untuk melarung jasad?)
Tapi dalam email yang dihack tersebut, yang diberikan kepada WikiLeaks. Wakil Presiden Stratfor dari bagian inteligen, Fred Burtons. Menyatakan bahwa dia ragu dengan pernyataan yang diberikan oleh pihak Gedung Putih tentang nasib jasad dari Bin Laden.
Dia menambahkan bahwa jasad Bin Laden diterbangkan oleh pesawat CIA ke Armed Forces Institute of Pathology di Bethesda, Maryland. Itulah sebabnya mengapa tempat itu menjadi tertutup untuk umum sejak 15 September 2011. Empat bulan setelah kematian Bin Laden.
Dalam email yang lain, Burton mengatakan:"Jika jasad Bin Laden dibuang ke laut, yang saya yakin tidak demikian. Maka sentuhan yang diberikan, sama dengan yang diberikan kepada Adolf Eichmann (salah satu arsitek program Holocaust).
Google Pakistan Di Hack Beserta Ratusan Situs Lainnya.
Secara keseluruhan, sekitar 279 situs lainnya di Pakistan berhasil dihack oleh grup hacker yang ditengarai berasal dari Turki dan menamai diri mereka dengan sebutan Eboz. Tampaknya Eboz juga berhasil menghack banyak situs lainnya, dan tampaknya Pakistan adalah target utama untuk hari ini.
Ini adalah data yang berhasil dihimpun sampai saat ini:
Sebuah pencarian di arsip Zona-h dari website yang di deface (kegiatan mengubah halaman website orang lain tanpa sepengetahuan orang tersebut), menunjukkan bahwa ada ratusan website yang telah di deface oleh Eboz. Secara keseluruhan, total jumlahnya ada sekitar 313. Sedangkan 85 di antaranya menggunakan IP tunggal dan 228 "defacemen (kegiatan deface) secara massal. Kebanyakan adalah kepunyaan Turki, tapi keseluruhan daftar menunjukkan beberapa negara dan top-level domain. Daftar ini tidak menunjukkan adanya daftar yang terjadi di Pakistan hari ini. Yang berarti bahwa Eboz terhubung atas pemadaman sekitar 600 situs.
Jalur lintasan dari Eboz di internet entah bagaimana caranya, dapat dibuat secara acak dan berubah-ubah agar keberadaan hacker sulit untuk dilacak (Mengingatkan saya pada sebuah film, tapi lupa judulnya).
Selain situs-situs diatas, ada beberapa situs yang terkena deface dan membuat posting pesan.
"Hacked by Eboz" yang berarti "dihack oleh Eboz". (Masih ingat ketika grup hacker Indonesia menyerang situs-situs Malaysia beberapa waktu yang lalu?)
Di antaranya adalah "Safe4web" dan "Souveterre" (bagian dari situs sebuah perusahaan periklanan outdoor Czech), serta halaman dari MG Events untuk anggota bisnis mereka.
Halaman di Sauveterre yang digunakan bertahun 2009, ini menunjukkan bahwa Eboz telah melakukan proses hacking selama bertahun-tahun.
Belum diketahui motif dari Eboz melakukan semua itu. Adakah unsur politik dibalik apa yang mereka lakukan?
Softpedia menyatakan bahwa Eboz juga terkait dengan pemadaman situs-situs Israel beberapa pekan yang lalu. Akan tetapi grup yang melakukan waktu itu ditengarai berasal dari Pakistan, sedangkan yang saat ini berasal dari Turki.
Berdasarkan pesan yang ditinggalkan oleh mereka, bahwa apa yang mereka lakukan tidak terkait dengan unsur politik. Salah satu situs yang di deface, terdapat pesan yang menyatakan bahwa proses hacking semata-mata untuk menyoroti soal sistem pengamanan.
"Mengapa kami harus menyia-nyiakan waktu kami untuk meng-hack situs-situs Pakistan?
Semata-mata hanya karena kami ingin didengarkan. Kami memperingatkanmu dan kami juga berniat untuk memperbaiki vulnerability mu. Tapi kalian malah menganggap kami adalah pelawak dan apa yang coba kami peringatkan kepada kalian hanya sebagai lelucon?
Maka inilah saatnya untuk menghukum kalian".
Itulah sebagian isi dari pesan mereka yang saya dapatkan dari Softpedia.
Hari ini sebagian besar situs-situs di Pakistan hanyalah berupa halaman berisi photo 2 ekor pinguin di sebuah jembatan disertai pesan yang ditranslate melalui Google translate.
"Eboz: Seorang teman selalu ada untukku / Rumahku tidak ditembak olehku melalui setiap desah nafas".
Trabson adalah sebuah kota di Turki di kawasan Laut Hitam.
Ini adalah contoh halaman tersebut jika belum berubah (http://www.msn.org.pk)
Biasanya dalam kasus seperti ini, perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut mematikan sistem mereka sementara bersamaan dengan upaya untuk mendapatkan kembali kontrol atas situs mereka.
Sedangkan untuk situs seperti Sauveterre, grup tersebut kelihatannya ingin menunjukkan bahwa apa yang mereka lakukan kepada situs tersebut semata-mata hanyalah sake. Tertuang dalam pesan mereka:
"Tak ada lagi senyum.. :)
Maaf kawan
Hanya sedang bosan.
Jangan panik, ini terjadi setiap saat.
Amankan pikiranmu dan amankan barangmu".
Sepertinya, serangan hari ini dimulai dari PKINC sebuah breach operator TLD di Pakistan yang melayani dan menangani pendaftaran domain .pk. Saat ini, jika dilihat melalui PKINC look up, tampaknya organisasi-organisasi yang terkena efek, mereka diredirect ke 2 nameserver, yaitu:
Contohnya adalah Apple.pk
Dan tampaknya, kedua DNS di freehostia tersebut berfungsi. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa situs-situs tersebut dapat kembali online secara normal.
Rabu, 07 November 2012
The way to be the first to know when a PTC turn a scam
How to know when a PTC site turn a scam?
Become my referral
I have joined with some PTC that have been suggested to me from a trusted site that I have joined. That site will told to their members as soon as a site that they suggested turn a scam.
As they have many referrals, it make them get fast to reach the cashout.When the site paid them, they will told to their member about it so their member keep continue to click the ads.
While if the site didn't paid them, they will told their members so they will stop to click the ads. We as the member only join a PTC site that they have suggested.
If you become my referrals, not only you will get notification when a site turn a scam. But also you will get revenue share from me, cause I will give back my earning from my referrals.
I will give back to you 65% of my earning from you as my referrals. So you will get a chance to get paid from me without have to wait the cashout from the PTC site.
You could join as much as site you want, cause the more site you register the more earning you will make from me. It mean, you will get a double chance to get paid. From me and from the PTC site, if and only if you able to reach the cashout before they turn a scam.


Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012
NetQin Mobile - Android App
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Thats the passion and principle word that used by GREE to start their business.
Since the day they started, they have been exploring the new potential of the Internet and working to provide such innovation as soon as possible, to as many people as possible.
New challenges don't always end in success. There are times when they cannot achieve their highest aims.
But as long as there is a slight possibility, they will ceaselessly continue our efforts.
The changes the Internet will have on the world have only just begun. There is infinite potential that remains to be discovered.
To bring this potential into the world, GREE will continue to put their passion and principle into action, in order to provide enjoyment and happiness to their users' lives and make their society more open and convenient.
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This champaign is only work at United States right now, but soon it will spread out the world.
Match.com pioneered the Internet dating industry, launching in 1995 and today serves millions of singles in 24 countries! Match.com continues to redefine the way single men and single women meet, flirt, date and fall in love, proving time and again that people can make love happen through online dating and that lasting relationships are possible.
Whether interested in Christian Dating, Jewish Dating, Asian Dating, Black Dating, Senior Dating, Gay Dating, Lesbian Dating, Match.com can help people to find the date or relationship that fits them best. Literally, hundreds of thousands of single men and single women have posted personal ads on Match.com.
This champaign is only work at United States right now, but soon it will spread out the world.
Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012
How to make hundreds or even thousands of dollar from paid to upload?
Paid to upload or some people also call as a paid to share.Was a great way to make money, specially for the site that need to do an offer or survey before the file could be download.
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You will get more explanation on the file (its a pdf and virus free). Since its a very top secret tips articles, I have to protect it with link locker. In order to open it, you have to complete the very easy offer or survey depending your country.
Cause we could get paid upto couple of dollar for each download depended from which country the downloader comes. United States, United Kingdom and Canada usually become the most targeted countries. We will get the highest pay rate if the downloader come from that country.
The problems is, how we get the downloaders from that countries. Not just that countries, but also other countries.
There is couple ways that you could used.You could see it in the bellow link, the articles that you just read was one from that ways.
You will get more explanation on the file (its a pdf and virus free). Since its a very top secret tips articles, I have to protect it with link locker. In order to open it, you have to complete the very easy offer or survey depending your country.
Rabu, 25 Juli 2012
MeetMoi the leading location-based mobile dating company in the United States
MeetMoi is one of the leading location-based mobile dating company in the United States.
The wapsite matches users with one another based on preferences and proximity through both application-based and mobile web-based dating. By leveraging location awareness and the real time communication channels available on mobile devices, MeetMoi makes it easy for members to connect in person. Users may join the dating community for free, with premium service available for a monthly subscription fee. Users are directed to an optimized landing page where they fill out a basic dating profile. In order to register for free, users are required to enter in their mobile phone number and verify it via a PIN submit. The conversion rate for this offer through other affiliate networks is about 8%. Meetmoi later monetizes the users by incentivizing them to upgrade to its premium service through various offers.
Cost for users: FREE !
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User Conversion Flow:
1. User is invited to fillin 2 fields (gender, gender seeking)
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The wapsite matches users with one another based on preferences and proximity through both application-based and mobile web-based dating. By leveraging location awareness and the real time communication channels available on mobile devices, MeetMoi makes it easy for members to connect in person. Users may join the dating community for free, with premium service available for a monthly subscription fee. Users are directed to an optimized landing page where they fill out a basic dating profile. In order to register for free, users are required to enter in their mobile phone number and verify it via a PIN submit. The conversion rate for this offer through other affiliate networks is about 8%. Meetmoi later monetizes the users by incentivizing them to upgrade to its premium service through various offers.
Cost for users: FREE !
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- Carriers available: Sprint, Alltel, T-Mobile, ATT, Verizon, US Cellular
User Conversion Flow:
1. User is invited to fillin 2 fields (gender, gender seeking)
2. User clicks on “Get started” link
3. User submits his phone number and validates his subscription via pin submit
How to make money from mobile in USA?
Firstly, you have to register on one of the service in the bellow and be active in there.
Cause you will use it to attract other peoples (friends, family or anyone else to join like you).But don't ask them before you do the third step.
Secondly, you have to register on Mobpartner this is the place you will make money from by promote their services.
Thirdly, make a mobile blog on mywapblog.com and make couple post (anything).
Number four, login to the Mobpartner and find a link Site & Apps click it, you will go to a new page and then click Add mobile site and again, you will go to a new page that contains couple boxes, filled it.
Mobile Site Name: your mobile blog title
Mobile Site Url: your mobile blog address (with http://)
Mobile Site Logo Url: let it empty
Description: what is your mobile blog about
Category: better to choose entertainment category
Pages Views per Month: let it 0-1000
Languages: your mobile blog languages if didn't exist choose english
Then click Add button
Number five, click Subscribe to campaign link or when you at the homepage then click Affiliate Campaigns and choose the campaign that match which your country (better if you subscribe to the campaign that you already register at the first step) and subscribe with it (some of it will need validation by the admin to prevent spamming /fake site)
Number Six, read the explanations after you click subscribe.If it need admin validation, so you have to wait (usually couple days) or you can subscribes to all of the campaign.When you get auto approve campaign, then click promote link Get the code and make a review about it on your mobile blog like at my mobile blog.If you able to register on the campaign, then register to know more about the service and make a good reviews about it.
Number seven, ask your friends, families or all peoples you know to visit it and register.It might free to use for the member, but you will get paid every transactions
Number Eight, ask your friends, families or all peoples you know to tell about it to their friends (worth of mouth)
Number Nine, get more visitors to your mobile blog to boost the chance to make transactions.Read more in here
Number Ten, keep make a review about other campaign and always check a new campaign on Mobpartner.Cause they always have a new campaign to be promoted.
Thats the ways that I have used to make money from mobile.
Cause you will use it to attract other peoples (friends, family or anyone else to join like you).But don't ask them before you do the third step.
Secondly, you have to register on Mobpartner this is the place you will make money from by promote their services.
Thirdly, make a mobile blog on mywapblog.com and make couple post (anything).
Number four, login to the Mobpartner and find a link Site & Apps click it, you will go to a new page and then click Add mobile site and again, you will go to a new page that contains couple boxes, filled it.
Mobile Site Name: your mobile blog title
Mobile Site Url: your mobile blog address (with http://)
Mobile Site Logo Url: let it empty
Description: what is your mobile blog about
Category: better to choose entertainment category
Pages Views per Month: let it 0-1000
Languages: your mobile blog languages if didn't exist choose english
Then click Add button
Number five, click Subscribe to campaign link or when you at the homepage then click Affiliate Campaigns and choose the campaign that match which your country (better if you subscribe to the campaign that you already register at the first step) and subscribe with it (some of it will need validation by the admin to prevent spamming /fake site)
Number Six, read the explanations after you click subscribe.If it need admin validation, so you have to wait (usually couple days) or you can subscribes to all of the campaign.When you get auto approve campaign, then click promote link Get the code and make a review about it on your mobile blog like at my mobile blog.If you able to register on the campaign, then register to know more about the service and make a good reviews about it.
Number seven, ask your friends, families or all peoples you know to visit it and register.It might free to use for the member, but you will get paid every transactions
Number Eight, ask your friends, families or all peoples you know to tell about it to their friends (worth of mouth)
Number Nine, get more visitors to your mobile blog to boost the chance to make transactions.Read more in here
Number Ten, keep make a review about other campaign and always check a new campaign on Mobpartner.Cause they always have a new campaign to be promoted.
Thats the ways that I have used to make money from mobile.
What is the reason Pep Guardiola leave Barcelona?
Many people specially the fans of Barcelona asking the reason. Why Pep Guardiola leave Barcelona?
In my opinion, if you see the match Barcelona Vs Chelsea in Champion League or Barcelona Vs Real Madrid in LaLiga.
You should know exactly what His reason to leave Barcelona.
Not because Barcelona lose in that match, but more because of the trick that they have used. Both team, whether Chelsea or Real Madrid use some coward scheme.
Usually, most football team use 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 3-5-2, 4-3-2-1, etc. It will guaranted a wonderfull match, like usually we saw when Barcelona played.
But try to remember what Chelsea used on the Champion League recently!
They use 9-1 scheme, cause they only think about winning the match. So they forget the beauty of football, the rush, the tempted, etc. When its success, Real Madrid adopted the scheme and again we only see a boring match.
So in my opinion, if Pep still in Barca the art of football will disappeared slowly but sure. Cause every team whose meet Barca, will adopt those scheme.
Even worse if every lower class team on every league will adopt that scheme when they meet the highest class. Could you imagine if that happen?
But personally, I admits that Pep was a genius. He is the only one who able to make such a great team like Real Madrid or even Jose "selfiss" Mourinho become nothing but a bunch of loser.
Carry on Pep!!
How to sell my tips and tricks online?
If you have any tips or tricks about anything that could attract many people to know what its all about. Even they want to pay for it with a descend money.
You want to sell it but didn't know how or where to start it. Then you should read this article to the end.
There is a place called Clickbank in out there, the place of gathered marketers from whole world. Try to make steady income to live wealth by selling their tips and tricks online.
This tips and tricks (anything) as long as not break the law, have a chance to make people get attracted and willing to know about even have to pay for it, its a digital product (ebooks and or videos).
This kind of tips and tricks are welcomed in Clickbank. All you need is to register with them and read their FAQ and TOS to know how exactly it work. They also provide complete guide how to start and everything what need.
You only need to pay a onetime fees to them, no more then $50. They will do the rest, whether the transactions, promotions, etc.
So, what you waiting for?
Go to the Clickbank and signup and read all the explanations that you will need.
You could search at their searchbox with the keyword of "how to become a vendor". You will be shown the articles about what you will need to become a vendor (a seller) in there.
Senin, 18 Juni 2012
Snap Secure For Android In USA
BackUp And Protect Your Data Automatically
Automatic Wireless Backup
# Set it and forget it! Schedule daily, weekly, or even monthly backups
# All data transfers to and from the smartphone are encrypted and secure
# Access your data anytime through the Snap Secure Web Portal
Migrate And Restore Data Wirelessly
# Migrate data from one platform to another and across platforms (BlackBerry to Android or vice versa)
# Remotely initiate a backup from the Snap Secure Web Portal, even if the phone isn't with you
Secure Your Devives Fro9m Malware, Virus and Spam
Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware Protection
# Real-time protection against the latest viruses and spyware
# Schedule automatic virus scans and auto-updates with the latest malware definitions.
# Automatically scans for malware when an application is downloaded.
Anti-Spam and Call Blocker
# Block unwanted calls including unknown and private numbers
# Block unwanted emails on your BlackBerry
# Block unwanted SMS text messages on your Android
# Create and back up your "blacklists" to transfer to a new device
Manage Your Privacy With Application Transparency
Application Transparency
# Discover what permissions individual apps are requesting like your messages, location, and personal information.
# Learn how various application settings affects your privacy and if an app has the ability to control device keys.
# Take control of you privacy by changing your app settings, deleting the app, or reporting the app to Snap Secure if it is suspicious.
Locate and Recover Your Missing Devices
Location Tracking and Device Recovery
# Quickly and easily locate a lost or stolen device via GPS.
# Track your device remotely through the Snap Secure Web Portal.
# Audio ping your device to find a misplaced phone quickly.
# Use "loved one" tracking to allow others to track your location. Great for parents with children or elderly family members!
Remote Lock and Wipe
# Remote lock your smartphone to prevent unauthorized use until it is recovered.
# If your device is lost permanently, remote wipe your device so your data is never compromised.
# Remote wipe clears everything on your phone including all personal data, SD Card contents, and even uninstalls key applications to render the device useless.
Simcard Guardian
# If an unregistered SIMCard is inserted into your smartphone, Snap Secure will send a warning email to you with location details.
# Location tracking will automatically be turned on
# Only available on GSM based devices
Personal Safety Notifications
Personal Guardian
# Personal Guardian is a one push panic button that can silently send out an emergency email, SMS, and even a Twitter message with your location information.
# Discretely trigger an emergency call to any pre-configured number including 911 emergency centers
# In emergency situations it's a quick way to alert your loved ones that you are in danger
# Provides a peace of mind when traveling or walking alone at night. Great for parents of independent kids too!
Rabu, 13 Juni 2012
Can I Access Mylot From Mobile?
For Mylotters who didn't have full access to the computers, laptop, notebook or whatever it is. I'm sure they will ask it!
For those who didn't know yet what is Mylot, check this post.
"Can I use a mobile phones to access Mylot?"
The answer is yes, you can. But you will have a problems to access it if you use the built-in mobile browser.You will face a big content file, so you have to use external mobile browsers like operamini, teashark, ucweb, etc.They will compress the page without reduce the result.
The other problems you will get is, you need 500 post cause you will need a copy-paste feature. Cause in Mylot, you will lost what you have write if it take to long.
Mylot will refresh the page if it take to long, and they will said that you do a copy-paste while you will get this feature.
So as long as you have reach 500 post in Mylot, you will able to use Mylot services whether posting and or comments without any trouble.
Better to try it by yourself rather then get into a doubt.
For those who didn't know yet what is Mylot, check this post.
"Can I use a mobile phones to access Mylot?"
The answer is yes, you can. But you will have a problems to access it if you use the built-in mobile browser.You will face a big content file, so you have to use external mobile browsers like operamini, teashark, ucweb, etc.They will compress the page without reduce the result.
The other problems you will get is, you need 500 post cause you will need a copy-paste feature. Cause in Mylot, you will lost what you have write if it take to long.
Mylot will refresh the page if it take to long, and they will said that you do a copy-paste while you will get this feature.
So as long as you have reach 500 post in Mylot, you will able to use Mylot services whether posting and or comments without any trouble.
Better to try it by yourself rather then get into a doubt.
What is Mylot and how to make money from them?
why you should join myLot
We've heard reports of many myLot users who spend most of the waking hours of any given day enjoying myLot.
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Make myLot your default home page and take advantage of everything myLot has to offer.
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Discuss topics about anything and everything under the sun.
Join one of the hundreds of thousands of discussions already started by our members, or start your own! We guarantee you'll find many others who share your interests.
Ahh, it's fun to be a fast growing community!
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myLot users can express themselves with their own personal profile page. Every myLot user has one!
It's kind of like MySpace, only much cleaner.
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Your profile is completely customized to your style, so let the world know what you're all about!
communicate with and make new friends
myLot has built-in private messaging which is a great way to communicate with your friends. It's 100% spam-free because YOU choose who can send you messages.
Only users who are on your "friends" list (which you have 100% control over) can send you a private message.
search and find
myLot has a comprehensive searching experience unlike any other.
Whether you're looking for web sites, discussions, blog articles, photos or private messages, you can easily find them!
With Yahoo! Search powering our web results, there's absolutely no reason to search anywhere else.
Give it a try. We guarantee you'll like what you find!
not a mylot member?
sign up, it's free!
Minggu, 13 Mei 2012
Minuteworkers Go Scam
By read it you will know that site called minuteworkers.com was a scam site, atleast for me who ever feel it.
At the beginning, minuteworkers was one of the trusted site that I have used to make money.This site pay their members to do a job like paid to signup, paid to write and so on.I have used this site for about 2 years and make a descend money from it.I also make some jobs in there and get satisfy with the result cause I got more then what I have spend in there.And I believe that what you have expected from making a task on those kind of site.Isn't it?
Day by day, week by week and month by month, it have been 2 years in there with no problems until one day I decided to make a job in there.So transfer my money to my account and start to make a job that worth $0.50 each of it.After couple days I check it and found some workers that didn't do the job like what I want, so I denied it.
Couple days after that, I check it again and all my jobs are gone while there is no one who do the jobs.I check it again and again but the result just the same.I try to contact the admin and He didn't give me an answer.
I have feel it couple times after that happen, cause I think that only a mistake so I make another jobs that worth less then before and the result is still the sme.It gone without any explanations from the admin or I get a workers who done it for me.
Note only that, when I ask the payment cause my earning can't transfered to my fund credits.I need long-long time to get it and after make a contact with admin.I will do everything I could to spread the words about scam to your site, that what I write on my email to the admin.
I think that was enough to explain that those site was a scam, for me.Just hope that others won't feel the same like what I have feel.
For you who have felt the same just like me, please spread the worth about it to others to stop what have happened to us.And to make those site closed rather then wasting and steal our times, money and effort.For you who never felt like what I have feel, just hope that will ever feel it and they keep pay for what you have done.
Selasa, 08 Mei 2012
Toko Online Jam Slapia Sekarang Ada Di Indonesia Lho!
Mungkin kamu udah pernah dengar atau lihat di TV atau di internet. Mungkin juga ada ketertarikan untuk memilikinya, tapi tak tahu dimana atau bagaimana cara memilikinya. Tapi tenang saja, karena sekarang udah ada toko onlinenya di Indonesia.
Pemiliknya pun nggak tanggung-tanggung, yaitu Joko Susilo, ST. Salah satu online marketer kelas kakap Indonesia. Itu lho, yang punya produk SMUO.
Jadi kita nggak perlu khawatir jika barang tak sampai ke alamat kita.
Langsung aja akses toko online jam slapia pilih warna dan klik add to chart lalu ikuti petunjuknya dengan cermat agar jam tangan idaman bisa sampai ke tujuan.
Kamu akan mendapat harga miring, karena harga pasaran bisa mencapai 250rb-300rb. Apalagi jika kamu beli 3 sekaligus, kamu akan dapat bonus 1 jam tangan. Jadi beli 3 dapat 4 dengan harga miring.
Langsung aja akses toko online jam slapia pilih warna dan klik add to chart lalu ikuti petunjuknya dengan cermat agar jam tangan idaman bisa sampai ke tujuan.
Bagi yang ingin ikut memiliki toko online seperti link diatas, daftar aja disini gratis.
Reseller jam tangan slapia
Jika mau keuntungan yang lebih upgrade aja dengan cara membeli 3 jam tangan slapia.
Pemiliknya pun nggak tanggung-tanggung, yaitu Joko Susilo, ST. Salah satu online marketer kelas kakap Indonesia. Itu lho, yang punya produk SMUO.
Jadi kita nggak perlu khawatir jika barang tak sampai ke alamat kita.
Langsung aja akses toko online jam slapia pilih warna dan klik add to chart lalu ikuti petunjuknya dengan cermat agar jam tangan idaman bisa sampai ke tujuan.
Kamu akan mendapat harga miring, karena harga pasaran bisa mencapai 250rb-300rb. Apalagi jika kamu beli 3 sekaligus, kamu akan dapat bonus 1 jam tangan. Jadi beli 3 dapat 4 dengan harga miring.
Jadi tunggu apa lagi??
Langsung aja akses toko online jam slapia pilih warna dan klik add to chart lalu ikuti petunjuknya dengan cermat agar jam tangan idaman bisa sampai ke tujuan.
Bagi yang ingin ikut memiliki toko online seperti link diatas, daftar aja disini gratis.
Reseller jam tangan slapia
Jika mau keuntungan yang lebih upgrade aja dengan cara membeli 3 jam tangan slapia.
Kamis, 03 Mei 2012
Trafficswirl New Traffic Exchange Have Lounched
Traffiswirl was a new traffic exchange that will make you like to this site.Its full with bonus, whether points or cash each time you surf.Daily contest, referral contest, and much more.
The owner was John Bell, who is also leader of the L Team.Well known online marketer who will make everyone who listen His name will feel get guaranteed of great service and trusted site.
For free members, we will receive 0.6 credits per view at a 10 second timer, and there is a range of upgrade options giving more credits per view and a shorter timer, plus all the usual bonuses of upgrading. For a limited time, there is also an “elite” upgrade available, which gives you 1.5 credits per view and 5000 monthly bonus credits.
Surfing is smooth, as it should be on a brand new TE, and there’s also a chat pane so you can network with other members as you surf. Traffic Swirl also has the great feature of displaying your gravatar (picture linked to your email) in the surf bar, along with a link to your profile every time one of your sites is show. Personal branding – remember?
You get not only extra credits when referring others to join from your referral link, but also cash after they become an active member by surfing 50 pages.
So, what you waiting for?
Click the banner bellow and start surf to promote whatever you want to promote as long as didn't break their TOS.

The owner was John Bell, who is also leader of the L Team.Well known online marketer who will make everyone who listen His name will feel get guaranteed of great service and trusted site.
For free members, we will receive 0.6 credits per view at a 10 second timer, and there is a range of upgrade options giving more credits per view and a shorter timer, plus all the usual bonuses of upgrading. For a limited time, there is also an “elite” upgrade available, which gives you 1.5 credits per view and 5000 monthly bonus credits.
Surfing is smooth, as it should be on a brand new TE, and there’s also a chat pane so you can network with other members as you surf. Traffic Swirl also has the great feature of displaying your gravatar (picture linked to your email) in the surf bar, along with a link to your profile every time one of your sites is show. Personal branding – remember?
You get not only extra credits when referring others to join from your referral link, but also cash after they become an active member by surfing 50 pages.
So, what you waiting for?
Click the banner bellow and start surf to promote whatever you want to promote as long as didn't break their TOS.
Rabu, 02 Mei 2012
Justin Bieber Insulting Indonesia
When I hear about it, as an Indonesia I personally get shock.
This "middle of nowhere" have 250 millions plus of populations and that spread arround the world.
Imagine if wherever He is, He face a mass demo until He personally ask apology to Indonesian with a press release.
Even I believe that wasn't enough, since this "nowhere" have been build with millions of life.
With so much blood that could drawn Him on it.
Rabu, 18 April 2012
How to get as much as refferal?
There are many ways and even more websites to promote your donkeymails referral URL. On this page we give you some good options to promote your donkeymails Referral URL. But ofcourse you can use them as well to promote any of your other websites you are member from.
1. Promote your Referral URL via your own Website or Blog
If you have an own website or blog page you can easy place one of the banners or a text link on it. Then if someone visit your website or blog and click on the banner they will join automatic in your downline.
2. Promote your Referral URL via Listbuilders
Listbuilders are realy a great and free way to promote your referral URL. On the listbuilders you can email each x number of days a x number of members (different on each listbuilder). As well on the most listbuilders you can earn credits for reading the emails to send out even more emails. Use these emails to promote your referral URL and you build up your downline easy and free.
3. Promote your Referral URL via Manual Traffic Exchanges.
Manual traffic exchanges are another great way to promote your referral URL. On the manual traffic exchanges you can earn credits for visit websites. Then you can use these credits to let other people see your website. So by visit websites from other people you can let other people visit your donkeymails referral URL and ofcourse join it when they like.
4. Promote your Referral URL via other PTR/PTC website.
Other Paid To Read and Paid to Click websites like are great to promote your referral URL. On a lot of these websites you can earn points that you can use then to promote websites. Use these points to promote your referral URL and build up your downline easy. As well most websites have the option to redeem your cash as well for advertising so that is ofcourse an option as well to do.
5. Promote your Referral URL by submit Articles.
Using articles with good content can build up good traffic to your article and when you include your referral URL as well traffic to your referral URL.
6. Promote your Referral URL using Social media websites.
Good sites to use : Facebook.com , Youtube.com , Twitter.com and ofcourse can use your messengers as well. BUT remember don't spam.
7. Promote your referral URL to your friends, family and all people you know!
How many friends or relatives do you have that would like to earn money working online. Make a list of everyone you know then contact them about your campaign to let them join under you to earn cash as well. PLEASE NOTE : do not send unsolicited bulk e-mail messages (SPAM). Such action will result in immediate termination of your account.
8. Promote your referral URL by using Google Sorts ads.
Google is ofcourse a great way to promote your URL. Only the ads on google are costing mostly a lot of money. But there is now a great way to get google ads free even without having a website. Adsvert.com is a great website to get your free google sorts ads online. On this website you can earn credits with setting up an page (like your referral URL) on it and put Adsvert.com on this directly. Then by promote that link you direct earn credits that you can use to promote your referral URL. So with this you promote direct your referral URL and earn extra credits as well that you can use again to promote your campaign.
9. Promote your referral URL by adding your website to Search Engines.
Just like google there are many search engines that you can use to promote your referral URL. Just by adding your page to the search engine you receive free traffic to your referral URL
Selasa, 03 April 2012
How to make money from mobile site or blog?
At the beginning, a site or a blog was used to share our activities, photos, knowledges, and everything to others.
We, they or you didn't realize that we only make money for the site that we have used.Look at the Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blogger, etc.
For those who didn't know that there are so much money that we can make from them if and only if we know the ways make it.While exactly, there are so much ways to make money with them directly or undirectly.
We will discuss it later, cause now we will discuss other ways to make money online, like the title said.How to make money from the mobile site or a blog.
Today, there are so many site that provide free hosting with free sub-domain like the one that I have used right know.At the beginning, they just provide a free hosting and free sub-domain.They didn't give us a chance to make money directly from them, even they place ads on our site or blog but they didn't share the revenue with us.
Recently, some of that site have change cause they share some of their earning with us.We only need to give our ID of the advertisers that we have used and they do the rest.The ads will be place on every post that we make on that site and when visitors click on it we get a shared of 50% from the earning.
Advertiser that we can use was Buzzcity, mobgold, Admob, Inmobi, Adsense, etc.But we also can use other advertisers like Mobpartner to promote mobile contents like Gameloft for worldwide visitors, Meetmoi for US visitors, iTunes for worldwide, FlirtyMob a mobile based flirt site for AUS, UK, GER and SA.Also there are so many more that we can promote to make unlimited money on auto pilot.This is that many marketers said on their ebook, make money on auto pilot.
For those who didn't know that there are so much money that we can make from them if and only if we know the ways make it.While exactly, there are so much ways to make money with them directly or undirectly.
We will discuss it later, cause now we will discuss other ways to make money online, like the title said.How to make money from the mobile site or a blog.
Today, there are so many site that provide free hosting with free sub-domain like the one that I have used right know.At the beginning, they just provide a free hosting and free sub-domain.They didn't give us a chance to make money directly from them, even they place ads on our site or blog but they didn't share the revenue with us.
Recently, some of that site have change cause they share some of their earning with us.We only need to give our ID of the advertisers that we have used and they do the rest.The ads will be place on every post that we make on that site and when visitors click on it we get a shared of 50% from the earning.
Advertiser that we can use was Buzzcity, mobgold, Admob, Inmobi, Adsense, etc.But we also can use other advertisers like Mobpartner to promote mobile contents like Gameloft for worldwide visitors, Meetmoi for US visitors, iTunes for worldwide, FlirtyMob a mobile based flirt site for AUS, UK, GER and SA.Also there are so many more that we can promote to make unlimited money on auto pilot.This is that many marketers said on their ebook, make money on auto pilot.
mFortune Mobile Casino is one of the UK’s leading mobile casinos, offering 12 high quality casino games including slots, blackjack, poker, roulette, bingo, dog racing and more. mFortune offers every new player a £5 free cash bonus, and players get to keep what they win! They also offer a 100% deposit bonus, daily raffles and prize giveaways and other special promos to keep players happy.
mFortune offers affiliates a top quality mobile site with quick 1-2-3 sign up. Players benefit from multiple deposit options, including “pay-by-phonebill”, with no credit card required. mFortune games are compatible with 90% of mobile phones, including Nokia, Motorola, LG, Samsung, Sony, Blackberry, iPhone and Google Android.
New Zealand
South Africa
United Kingdom
mFortune offers affiliates a top quality mobile site with quick 1-2-3 sign up. Players benefit from multiple deposit options, including “pay-by-phonebill”, with no credit card required. mFortune games are compatible with 90% of mobile phones, including Nokia, Motorola, LG, Samsung, Sony, Blackberry, iPhone and Google Android.
New Zealand
South Africa
United Kingdom
How to get thousands of friends in Facebook instantly?
For some peoples, Facebook was used to get connects with their real friends, family and collega.Cause that is the main reason why Facebook have been created at the beginning.Giving their members a connections to the peoples surround them.
But time to time, peoples start to use it to promote their business whether online or offline business.Cause Facebook have become one of the most crowded social networking site in this world.If you one of them who want to use it whether to promote your site or products and want to get thousands of friends in Facebook.Here the ways you can used like what I have done in the past.
1. Use Email Invite
There are a features in facebook that allow us to invite peoples from their email, when they have signup with Facebook that invite will change to a friends request.We can use list of email to be send an invitations, just hope that they approve our friends request.
2. Use Friends Suggest
You can ask your friends to suggest you to their friends and you do the same thing like they have done to you.
But time to time, peoples start to use it to promote their business whether online or offline business.Cause Facebook have become one of the most crowded social networking site in this world.If you one of them who want to use it whether to promote your site or products and want to get thousands of friends in Facebook.Here the ways you can used like what I have done in the past.
1. Use Email Invite
There are a features in facebook that allow us to invite peoples from their email, when they have signup with Facebook that invite will change to a friends request.We can use list of email to be send an invitations, just hope that they approve our friends request.
2. Use Friends Suggest
You can ask your friends to suggest you to their friends and you do the same thing like they have done to you.
How to get live and work in USA for free?
Green Card Lottery or DV lottery US, is a program that was formed by the USA government to legally give a US work visa to people who want to immigrate to USA.
USAGC Organization invites the users to participate in the USA Green Card Lottery, where they will have the opportunity to win a green card USA in order to live and work there. This represents a chance to take advantage of the green card program - Immigration and Naturalization opportunity offered by the official US Government DV Lottery or Green card Lottery law.
The Official American Green Card Lottery program benefits:
50,000 people and their families will Live, Work and Study in the USA thanks to a simple registration within 5 minutes and a personal support in every step.
User Conversion Flow:
1. User fillin 3 fields (Name, telephone and E-mail) on the landing page
2. User then clicks on “register now” and the lead is created
USAGC Organization invites the users to participate in the USA Green Card Lottery, where they will have the opportunity to win a green card USA in order to live and work there. This represents a chance to take advantage of the green card program - Immigration and Naturalization opportunity offered by the official US Government DV Lottery or Green card Lottery law.
The Official American Green Card Lottery program benefits:
50,000 people and their families will Live, Work and Study in the USA thanks to a simple registration within 5 minutes and a personal support in every step.
User Conversion Flow:
1. User fillin 3 fields (Name, telephone and E-mail) on the landing page
2. User then clicks on “register now” and the lead is created
Kamis, 22 Maret 2012
How to Make My Children Admired to Me as Their Parents??
When I see a reality show on TV that there are so many parents having stress to controls their childrens.This make me sad and sometime this feel are torturing me to having a childs.So I make this post from searching in many resources and asking to the theirself why they acting like that.
How they can become like that??
What they want to get by acting like that??
Why they have acting like that??
Many parents ask to psychology about it, to solve this problems.Spend lot of money, time and feeling in order to get back the one that they loved.Well, did you really-really love your child??
I do believe that you love your child, but the way that you show to them was wrong.
So here the explanations that I get from the resources and from them.
How they can become like that??
When I asking to them about that, they said that they can become like it because they feel that their parents ignored them. If I’m asking this to you as their parents, I believe you will said “No way if I ignored them, cause I do love them“.
What they want to get by acting like that??
I believe you ever feel what they have feel, cause you also ever young before.You get angry when your parents didn’t want to listen to you. All they can do is only force you and give limitation on you.
Don’t do this
Don’t do that
You have to be like this
You have to be like that
Did you ever say that to your child??
What you have feel when someone told that to you??
Better not to force something to your child, let them who choose it.Your jobs is giving support to them and watch them so that they won’t out of the track.
Why they have acting like that??
Like I have said before, basically they want their parents always support them.Never force something to them, always be there when they need them.Parents are not about money or anything that you can give to your child.But more to cares, more time with them, always in their side when they needed.Support with all what they want or what they like to do.
Hope it can help you to win their heart again.
How they can become like that??
What they want to get by acting like that??
Why they have acting like that??
Many parents ask to psychology about it, to solve this problems.Spend lot of money, time and feeling in order to get back the one that they loved.Well, did you really-really love your child??
I do believe that you love your child, but the way that you show to them was wrong.
So here the explanations that I get from the resources and from them.
How they can become like that??
When I asking to them about that, they said that they can become like it because they feel that their parents ignored them. If I’m asking this to you as their parents, I believe you will said “No way if I ignored them, cause I do love them“.
What they want to get by acting like that??
I believe you ever feel what they have feel, cause you also ever young before.You get angry when your parents didn’t want to listen to you. All they can do is only force you and give limitation on you.
Don’t do this
Don’t do that
You have to be like this
You have to be like that
Did you ever say that to your child??
What you have feel when someone told that to you??
Better not to force something to your child, let them who choose it.Your jobs is giving support to them and watch them so that they won’t out of the track.
Why they have acting like that??
Like I have said before, basically they want their parents always support them.Never force something to them, always be there when they need them.Parents are not about money or anything that you can give to your child.But more to cares, more time with them, always in their side when they needed.Support with all what they want or what they like to do.
Hope it can help you to win their heart again.
How to Get Credit Card Even You are in Bad Debt??
Credit card have become primary needed for some peoples, specially for the peoples who like to shop everything without need to worry about cash at the pocket.Even at the end they will regrate it when they have a bad debt and the credit card will be suspended by the providers.
For those who have been living with a credit card and suddenly they can’t use it anymore, that was a nightmare for them.When they try to apply to a new credit card from different bank, they will be denied.Cause most of bank have their own ways to keep the people with bad debts from them.They have relathionship with all bank to prevent them from the people like you.
So how to get credit card if I have a bad debts??
The way that you can use was go online to find online bank that provide credit card for worldwide members.If You get lucky, you will found an online bank that will give you credit card for free.And the best of all, the payment processor that you can use to pay the bill was trough Paypal or other online payment processor.
Just a few weeks ago I received Payoneer card, it turns out pretty quickly too ga until the delivery month. I switch directly through the website payoneer.com and finally I was able to receive payments from the site that I have joined.
How to get that card?
Firstly, you have to join with a great site named SFI SFI was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-commerce revolution. Anyone of legal age in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online registration form. There is no obligation or purchase requirements of any kind.
Once registered, affiliates are provided with professional Websites for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. SFI also provides all necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at no cost to the affiliate. For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can be earned by building and leading affiliate groups.
They use credit card from Payooner as one of their payment processor, and its connect with MASTERCARD.
So, what you have waiting for?
For those who have been living with a credit card and suddenly they can’t use it anymore, that was a nightmare for them.When they try to apply to a new credit card from different bank, they will be denied.Cause most of bank have their own ways to keep the people with bad debts from them.They have relathionship with all bank to prevent them from the people like you.
So how to get credit card if I have a bad debts??
The way that you can use was go online to find online bank that provide credit card for worldwide members.If You get lucky, you will found an online bank that will give you credit card for free.And the best of all, the payment processor that you can use to pay the bill was trough Paypal or other online payment processor.
Just a few weeks ago I received Payoneer card, it turns out pretty quickly too ga until the delivery month. I switch directly through the website payoneer.com and finally I was able to receive payments from the site that I have joined.
How to get that card?
Firstly, you have to join with a great site named SFI SFI was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-commerce revolution. Anyone of legal age in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online registration form. There is no obligation or purchase requirements of any kind.
Once registered, affiliates are provided with professional Websites for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. SFI also provides all necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at no cost to the affiliate. For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can be earned by building and leading affiliate groups.
They use credit card from Payooner as one of their payment processor, and its connect with MASTERCARD.
So, what you have waiting for?
How to Make Tens to Hundreds of Dollar a Day From Mobile??
Mobile was the prymary connection tool on the planet so far, more then two billion mobile users around the world.But not all of them know how to make money from it.
Yes, we can make money from our mobile whether directly or undirected, if and only if we know how to do it.Not much people know how to do it, cause they don't know that mobile can be used to make money.
I'm not telling about selling moola or pulse that already done by so much people in entire planet.It's not about that, but to sell a games or applications for mobile users.If you know that there are so much mobile games and applications vendor looking for peoples who want to promote their products.
They will give commission to the people who can sell their products up to 50% of the price.Gameloft, EA, iTunes and much-much more vendor in out there begging to us to promote their products.And for adult contents, there are more then you can imagine.
The problems is, not all people who want to be their affiliates can be welcome cause they have some TOS (Term Of Services) that have to be full fill by the peoples who want to be their affiliates.But, doesn't mean we can't promote them, cause there are so much site that have become their affiliates and need our help to promote it.
This site that we can use in order to promote those site (Gameloft, iTunes, EA, etc), we can use mobpartner.They provide all what we need to promote the products like games, apps, dating, etc.
All You need is register and add your site, page and get the code and place it on your site or page.When someone register or purchase a game, application from it.You will get paid by them according to the commissions deal that they have make with you.
If you know how to do it, it's not hard enough to make money from your mobile.
Yes, we can make money from our mobile whether directly or undirected, if and only if we know how to do it.Not much people know how to do it, cause they don't know that mobile can be used to make money.
I'm not telling about selling moola or pulse that already done by so much people in entire planet.It's not about that, but to sell a games or applications for mobile users.If you know that there are so much mobile games and applications vendor looking for peoples who want to promote their products.
They will give commission to the people who can sell their products up to 50% of the price.Gameloft, EA, iTunes and much-much more vendor in out there begging to us to promote their products.And for adult contents, there are more then you can imagine.
The problems is, not all people who want to be their affiliates can be welcome cause they have some TOS (Term Of Services) that have to be full fill by the peoples who want to be their affiliates.But, doesn't mean we can't promote them, cause there are so much site that have become their affiliates and need our help to promote it.
This site that we can use in order to promote those site (Gameloft, iTunes, EA, etc), we can use mobpartner.They provide all what we need to promote the products like games, apps, dating, etc.
All You need is register and add your site, page and get the code and place it on your site or page.When someone register or purchase a game, application from it.You will get paid by them according to the commissions deal that they have make with you.
If you know how to do it, it's not hard enough to make money from your mobile.
Selasa, 20 Maret 2012
Tips cara cepat belajar bahasa inggris?
Mau tahu cara cepat belajar bahasa inggris secara gratis bahkan dibayar untuk semua aktifitas yang kita lakukan?
Jawabnya adalah lewat sebuah forum online bernama Mylot.Sebuah forum online berbahasa Inggris, dan hanya bahasa Inggris yang boleh digunakan disini.
Cara paling efektif untuk bisa menghapal adalah dengan terus menggunakan atau melakukannya.Seperti pepatah yang mengatakan "tak kenal maka tak sayang" atau dalam bahasa Jawa "witing tresno jalaran soko kulino".Bila diartikan, datangnya cinta/ senang karena terbiasa.
Di forum ini kita bisa bertanya apa aja, atau mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari anggota lain.Jika vocabulary (daftar kata Inggris yang dihapal) kamu masih sedikit, buka aja di tab lain kamus online miliknya Google yang beralamat di http://translate.google.com
Dengan cara ini maka kamu lama-lama akan terbiasa dengan kata-kata Inggris dan akan mendapatkan kata-kata baru setiap hari.Jika kamu aktif disana, baik posting atau kasih komen maka tak ayal lagi jika tes T.O.E.F.L kamu akan terus meningkat.
Bukan hanya itu saja, kamu sekaligus akan tahu dan mungkin akan tergiur.Karena semua aktifitas kamu, baik posting, komen, upload photo, searching akan dibayar oleh mereka.Tidak banyak memang, cuma $0.01 per aktifitas.Tapi lumayanlah buat awal, tapi yang penting kan ilmunya tho?
Jika kamu tertarik, langsung aja meluncur ke TKP lalu daftar secara gratis DISINI.Jika kamu aktif, maka dengan sendirinya vocabulary kamu akan meningkat secara drastis.
Jawabnya adalah lewat sebuah forum online bernama Mylot.Sebuah forum online berbahasa Inggris, dan hanya bahasa Inggris yang boleh digunakan disini.
Cara paling efektif untuk bisa menghapal adalah dengan terus menggunakan atau melakukannya.Seperti pepatah yang mengatakan "tak kenal maka tak sayang" atau dalam bahasa Jawa "witing tresno jalaran soko kulino".Bila diartikan, datangnya cinta/ senang karena terbiasa.
Di forum ini kita bisa bertanya apa aja, atau mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari anggota lain.Jika vocabulary (daftar kata Inggris yang dihapal) kamu masih sedikit, buka aja di tab lain kamus online miliknya Google yang beralamat di http://translate.google.com
Dengan cara ini maka kamu lama-lama akan terbiasa dengan kata-kata Inggris dan akan mendapatkan kata-kata baru setiap hari.Jika kamu aktif disana, baik posting atau kasih komen maka tak ayal lagi jika tes T.O.E.F.L kamu akan terus meningkat.
Bukan hanya itu saja, kamu sekaligus akan tahu dan mungkin akan tergiur.Karena semua aktifitas kamu, baik posting, komen, upload photo, searching akan dibayar oleh mereka.Tidak banyak memang, cuma $0.01 per aktifitas.Tapi lumayanlah buat awal, tapi yang penting kan ilmunya tho?
Jika kamu tertarik, langsung aja meluncur ke TKP lalu daftar secara gratis DISINI.Jika kamu aktif, maka dengan sendirinya vocabulary kamu akan meningkat secara drastis.
Get Hooked With South African Girls
Hooked is a fun, safe, anonymous way to Meet, Chat and Date on a mobile.
With Hooked you can chat and flirt and date from your mobile phone in South Africa. Whether you are looking for love, friendship or fun, you will find it on Hooked.
Partner with the company that brought mobile dating to Africa. Hooked is the fun, safe, anonymous way to Meet, Chat & Date on a mobile.
100,000’s of users have enjoyed this community.
Note: this service is compatible with only with feature phones.
User Conversion Flow:
1. User enters his number and clicks “Login”
2. User is invited to fill his profile information and clicks on “Continue”.
3. Subscription is activated
Dibayar untuk posting, komen, upload, searching, dll.
Mau dibayar dollar untuk tiap posting, komen, upload dan searching?
Ditempat ini kamu akan dibayar $0.01 untuk setiap aktifitas yang kamu lakukan baik itu posting, komen dan upload.Khusus untuk searching dan task (tugas atau pekerjaan) kamu bisa mendapatkan lebih.
Forum komplit yang berbahasa Inggris ini bukan hanya untuk mencari dollar saja, tapi segala info yang kita inginkan.Karena begitu banyak para ahli yang menjadi member dan akan sangat senang untuk memberikan jawaban yang pastinya akan sangat memuaskan.
Dengan minimum pembayaran yang berjumlah $10, mungkin akan membuat seseorang menjadi pesimis untuk tetap aktif, tapi dengan adanya searching, task dan sistem referral membuat pendapatan semakin cepat.
Setiap referral akan memberikan pendapatan kepada kita sebesar 25% selamanya.Jadi tunggu apalagi, segera daftar disini dan segera aktif posting, komen, upload, searching, task dan cari referral.
Ditempat ini kamu akan dibayar $0.01 untuk setiap aktifitas yang kamu lakukan baik itu posting, komen dan upload.Khusus untuk searching dan task (tugas atau pekerjaan) kamu bisa mendapatkan lebih.
Forum komplit yang berbahasa Inggris ini bukan hanya untuk mencari dollar saja, tapi segala info yang kita inginkan.Karena begitu banyak para ahli yang menjadi member dan akan sangat senang untuk memberikan jawaban yang pastinya akan sangat memuaskan.
Dengan minimum pembayaran yang berjumlah $10, mungkin akan membuat seseorang menjadi pesimis untuk tetap aktif, tapi dengan adanya searching, task dan sistem referral membuat pendapatan semakin cepat.
Setiap referral akan memberikan pendapatan kepada kita sebesar 25% selamanya.Jadi tunggu apalagi, segera daftar disini dan segera aktif posting, komen, upload, searching, task dan cari referral.
Cara dapat pulsa gratis tiap bulan
Mau dapat pulsa gratis tiap bulan untuk semua operator?
Caranya gampang banget, hanya dengan mendownload aplikasi dari SmartPhoneMate dan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan per bulan maka kamu akan mendapat pulsa gratis tiap bulan Rp. 10.000-Rp. 20.000 untuk semua operator.
Untuk sementara ini hanya bisa dilakukan oleh HP berbasis Android 1.5.
Begitu kamu klik link dibawah, maka kamu akan disuruh mendownload aplikasinya dan menginstalnya
Caranya gampang banget, hanya dengan mendownload aplikasi dari SmartPhoneMate dan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan per bulan maka kamu akan mendapat pulsa gratis tiap bulan Rp. 10.000-Rp. 20.000 untuk semua operator.
Untuk sementara ini hanya bisa dilakukan oleh HP berbasis Android 1.5.
Begitu kamu klik link dibawah, maka kamu akan disuruh mendownload aplikasinya dan menginstalnya

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012
How to make money from your mobile?
Handphone or known as a mobile phone, was the best thing that make by human on this planet.It have been one of the most thing that have been make and used.Most eoples only know that the use of this thing is only to call, SMS, play videos, etc.
They didn't know that it can make them money, not only businessman that can do it.All people can do it, we only need something to be sold to a mobile users. Games, applications, videos, mp3 and mp4 was couple thing that we can sell.We didn't need to make them, cause there is a place that will provide everything for us.All we need is a site, blog or mobile blog like mine.We didn't need to pay even a single dime, cause we can get all for free.
The place that will provide us with games, apps and all mobile content was Mobpartner.They will provide everything that we need to make money, from a site to promote, banners and links.All we need is send visitors to the link, and let them do the rest. USA, UK, CANADA, AUSTRALY, FRANCE and some of EUROPE are the most welcome, cause they got so much campaign to be promoted.Even they accepted worldwide members too.
If you get interested and have signup for free, but still didn't know what to do.Just read their FAQ or you can reach me on this FORUM. A pay per activity forum, the place that will pay us for whatever we do in there.Just drop a comment on the bellow about your username on both site.And I will reach you as soon as possible.
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